Getting Started

  1. Install the SDK:

    • The easy way:

      <script src=""></script>
    • The flexible way:

      $ yarn add @realmq/web-sdk
      # or
      $ npm install @realmq/web-sdk
  2. Initialize the SDK:

    const realmq = new RealMQ('<AUTH_TOKEN>');
  3. Start implementing:

    // eg. load some data
    const channels = await realmq.channels.list();
    // or connect to the real-time API
    await realmq.rtm.connect();
    // listen for messages in some-channel
    realmq.rtm.on('some-channel/message', function channelMessageHandler(message) {
      console.warn('received new message in channel ', ${}, ':',;


  • Our SDK utilizes promises where possible.
  • We provide convenient interfaces to work with resources retrieve, list, create, update and remove methods.
  • realmq.rtm.* provides real-time functionality
  • Each API resource has its own namespace.
  • There are two access groups (scopes). Every method has a description of what scopes are allowed to perform that action.
    • Admin Full management capabilities, use for implementing your real-time business logic
    • User Restricted access, use for logic on behalf of a single user/device/bot


Add the SDK to your html app:

<script src=""></script>

Now you can initialize your real-time client.

const authToken = '<AUTH_TOKEN>';
const options = {
  host: ''
const realmq = new RealMQ(authToken, options);
String authToken
A secret RealMQ auth token.
Object options
Set this if you run against a dedicated or on-premise deployment.
Boolean options.autoConnect
Automatically connect the client to the RealMQ broker upon initialization by implicitly calling realmq.rtm.connect().
Default: false
Boolean options.enableSubscriptionSyncEvents
Emit subscription synchronization events subscription-created, subscription-updated & subscription-deleted events
Default: true
Boolean options.autoSubscribe
Automatically subscribes the client to all channels that the connecting user has access to by calling realmq.autoSubscribe() after connecting to the RealMQ broker. If enableSubscriptionSyncEvents is enabled the client automatically updates the subscriptions during runtime.
👉 Note: This implies autoConnect = true.
Default: false


Create a channel


// create a simple channel
const channel1 = await realmq.channels.create();

// create a channel with a custom id
const channel2 = await realmq.channels.create({ id: 'awesome-channel' });

// create a channel with a message storage limit of 7 days
const channel3 = await realmq.channels.create({
  id: 'messages-within-the-last-week',
  features: {
    persistence: {
      enabled: true,
      duration: '7d',
String id
see Custom Ids
Object properties
see Custom Properties
Object features
Additional channel features
Object features.persistence
Message persistence settings for this channel
Boolean features.persistence.enabled
If set to true, the messages published in this channel are persisted for later access.
String features.persistence.duration
Time interval to persist messages published on the channel. If not set messages will be persisted forever. Supported units are s, m, h, and d

Retrieve a channel

Admin User

const channel = await realmq.channels.retrieve('channel-id');
String channelId

List all accessible channels

Admin User

Fetch a PaginatedList of Channels.

const channelList1 = await realmq.channels.list();
const channelList2 = await realmq.channels.list({ limit: 5, offset: 5 });
Int offset
see Pagination Params
Int limit
see Pagination Params

Update a channel


const channel = await realmq.channels.update('channel-id', [
    op: 'replace',
    path: '/properties/memberCount',
    value: 47
String channelId
Array patch
Update channel properties via JSON-patch (RFC6902).

Remove a channel


const channel = await realmq.channels.remove('channel-id');
String channelId

Retrieving channel messages

Admin User

Fetch a PaginatedList of persisted messages within a Channel.

👉 Note: You have to enable channel persistence to retrieve messages from this resource.

const messages = await realmq.messages.list({
  channel: 'channel-id',
  offset: 10,
  limit: 10,
  from: '2023-08-01T11:03:42.58Z',
  to: '2023-08-01T11:03:42.58Z',
String channel
Number offset
see Pagination Params
Number limit
see Pagination Params
Date from
Only show messages with a timestamp equal or later than this date
Date to
Only show messages with a timestamp smaller than or equal this date


Create a subscription


const subscription = await realmq.subscriptions.create({
  channelId: 'test-channel',
  userId: 'test-user',
  allowRead: true
String id
An optional Custom Id
String channelId
An optional Channel reference.
👉 Note: If no channel is specified or the specified channel doesn’t exist it will be auto-created.
String userId
An optional User reference.
👉 Note: If no user is specified or the specified user doesn’t exist it will be auto-created.
Boolean allowRead
Whether the user will be able to receive channel messages.
Boolean allowWrite
Whether the user will be able to publish messages to the channel.

Retrieve a subscription

Admin User

const subscription = await realmq.subscriptions.retrieve('subscription-id');
String subscriptionId

List all subscriptions


Fetch a PaginatedList of Subscriptions.

const subscriptionList1 = await realmq.subscriptions.list();
const subscriptionList2 = await realmq.subscriptions.list({ limit: 5, offset: 5 });
Int offset
see Pagination Params
Int limit
see Pagination Params

Update a subscription


const user = await realmq.subscriptions.update('subscription-id', [
    op: 'replace',
    path: '/allowRead',
    value: true
String subscriptionId
Array patch
Update user properties via JSON-patch (RFC6902).

Remove a subscription


const subscription = await realmq.subscriptions.remove('subscription-id');
String subscriptionId


Create a token


Create a new auth token and passively create a new user if not existing yet. If you want to create an auth token for an existing user you have to pass its id as userId.

const user1 = await realmq.tokens.create();
const user2 = await realmq.users.create({ id: 'my-token-id', userId: 'test-user', scope: 'user' });
String id
An optional Custom Ids
String userId
An optional User reference.
👉 Note: If no user is specified or the specified user doesn’t exist it will be auto-created.
String scope
Scope of the token. Possible values are admin and user.
Default: user
String description
An optional auth token description.

Retrieve a token

Admin User

Find an auth token by its id.

const user = await realmq.tokens.retrieve('token-id');
String tokenId

List all tokens

Admin User

Fetch a PaginatedList of Tokens of the current user, or system-wide if the request is performed as admin.

const userList1 = await realmq.tokens.list();
const userList2 = await realmq.tokens.list({ limit: 5, offset: 5 });
Int offset
see Pagination Params
Int limit
see Pagination Params

Update a token

Admin User

Update auth token via JSON-patch (RFC6902).

Patchable Fields
const user = await realmq.tokens.update('token-id', [
    op: 'replace',
    path: '/description',
    value: 'Session on Chrome Linux'
String tokenId
Array patch
Update token description via JSON-patch (RFC6902).

Remove a token

Admin User

Delete the auth token and invalidate the session.

const user = await realmq.tokens.remove('token-id');
String tokenId


Create a user


const user1 = await realmq.users.create();
const user2 = await realmq.users.create({ id: 'awesome-user' });
String id
An optional Custom Ids
Object properties
A map of Custom Properties

Retrieve a user


const user = await realmq.users.retrieve('user-id');
String userId

List all users


Fetch a PaginatedList of Users.

const userList1 = await realmq.users.list();
const userList2 = await realmq.users.list({ limit: 5, offset: 5 });
Int offset
see Pagination Params
Int limit
see Pagination Params

Update a user


const user = await realmq.user.update('user-id', [
    op: 'replace',
    path: '/properties/avatar',
    value: ''
String userId
Array patch
Update user properties via JSON-patch (RFC6902).

Remove a user


var user = await realmq.users.remove('user-id');
String userId

Real-time Gateway

Access our real-time API through realmq.rmt.*. Before you can send or receive messages, you need to establish a connection.

await realmq.rtm.connect();

👉 Info: There is also a realmq.rtm.disconnect() method.


realmq.rtm emits the following events:

  • connected
  • reconnected
  • disconnected
  • message
  • {channel}/message
  • message-sent

Let’s register an event handler with realmq.rtm.on:

function onConnect() {}

realmq.rtm.on('connected', onConnect);

You can remove event handlers with'connected', onConnect);

Subscribe to a channel

After subscribing to a channel you will receive all messages published to that channel.

await realmq.rtm.subscribe({
  channel: 'test-channel'

👉 Note: Subscribe will fail if you do not have a read-enabled subscription on that channel.

Unsubscribe from a channel

After unsubscribing from a channel you will not receive any messages through that channel.

await realmq.rtm.unsubscribe({
  channel: 'test-channel'

Receive messages

Whenever a message hits the client, the SDK will emit message events.

  • message will be emitted for every message.
  • {channel}/message will be emitted for every message in a particular channel
realmq.rtm.on('message', function messageHandler(message) {});
realmq.rtm.on('some-channel/message', function channelMessageHandler(message) {});

The message object provides the following properties:

Message Properties
String channel
The channel in which the messag was published.
Uint8Array raw
The raw message buffer.
Mixed data
Contains the json decoded buffer data.
Error error
Only set if data was accessed and json decoding failed.

👉 Note: If your messages contain binary, you should access raw instead of data. Otherwise a JSON Parse exception might be raised.

Publish a message

We do not restrict you on what data of which format you publish.

You can send plain string messages:

await realmq.rtm.publish({ channel: 'test-channel', message: 'Welcome!' });

Or if you prefer binary:

const message = new Uint8Array([0x57, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x21]);
await realmq.rtm.publish({ channel: 'test-channel', message });

Or anything else:

const message = { '❤️': 'Welcome!' };
await realmq.rtm.publish({ channel: 'test-channel', message });

👉 Note: Non binary messages will be automatically JSON encoded.
👉 Note: Publish will fail if you do not have a write-enabled subscription on that channel.